Update: Aquatic change room will be temporarily closed from the 3rd to 21st of February

NSW Restrictions Reminder

We would like to give you a friendly reminder about the restrictions occurring at our facility. We feel very grateful to still be operational, however, we all need to do our best to keep us open!

Current Restrictions are below:

  • All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
  • Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 20 people.
  • It is mandatory for all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre even when in a Group Fitness class. You will not be permitted entry or allowed to remain at the facility if you do not follow this advice.
  • Staff, patrons and children that are involved in structured sessions or recreational activity in the aquatic facilities will not need to wear a mask. Masks are to be worn by staff, patrons and children over 12 years old who are involved in spectating or waiting on the aquatic concourse or where practical whilst moving around the aquatic facilities and change rooms.
  • It is required for all members, swim school parents, guests, staff and Fitness Passport users to scan and sign-in on the NSW Health Covid Safe Check-in. To help us avoid queues please have your phone or app ready. If you need any assistance please see one of our friendly reception staff. You will not be permitted entry or allowed to remain at the facility if you do not follow this advice.
  • We are encouraging all members, parents and guests to follow NSW Health directions that if you live in Greater Sydney, including Wollongong and Shellharbour you must follow the stay-at-home directions and we recommend you do not attend the facility for exercise or recreation. If you have been in or work in Greater Sydney including Wollongong and Shellharbour since 21 June 2021, you must also follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days after you were last in Greater Sydney. For this, we recommend you do not attend the facility for exercise or recreation. If you fall into these restrictions please get in contact with us to assist you with your membership or enrollment.

Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.

Important things that you need to be aware of:

  • It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
  • You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
  • Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again
